Business done by appointment only please. Email me at
Business done by appointment only please. Email me at
I am always adding to this page as I add items to my inventory and price lists for sound suppressors, short barreled rifles, and other NFA classified firearms and items. All prices are subject to change due to demand, availability, and other factors.
Let me know your interest so I can check current prices and availability for you.
We are the dealer providing desirable FFL/SOT class 2 & 3 services in the Wheeling WV area and are one of only a few such dealers in the state.
Contact me today with questions or inquires. Email me at
Yes most of these items are civilian legal and only require a little more paperwork and a $200 one time tax per item to the BATF with submission of Form #4 paperwork.
Effective July 13, 2016 the ATF has federally removed the need for you to get a local CLEO to sign your NFA tax stamp forms. (you must now only provide your local CLEO with a copy of your completed Form #4)
Also find this page at: or
I do not charge additional fees to help you complete and send in Form #4 paperwork to ATF on a suppressor, SBR or other NFA items purchased from me.
I also include your completed fingerprint cards or EFT file for the ATF NFA eforms free of charge. I hope to submit all via eforms.
Contact me to get the process started.
***To use the new eforms submission process: you must register to get a username and PIN to sign & submit the electronic form once I complete it. Register for this at
Note: Any machine gun with it's serial number not in the civilian machine gun registry May 19, 1986 or before is not civilian legal.
**Post '86 machine guns are for Law enforcement and military only.**
"LE/Restricted Firearms" page coming soon with Post Sample firearms and more.
**For civilian legal pre-May machine guns- contact me about what you are interested in. Civilian legal machine guns start at about $5,000 and go up.**
Short barreled rifles (SBR)
Rifles with barrel length of less than 16" fall under NFA regulation.
More information is on my SBR page of availability and in stock SBR firearms.
WV sales tax does not apply to firearms and ammo sales in WV.
**In stock means I have it in my safe-- you don't have to wait for me to order it in to start your Form #4.**
I can order a suppressor for you if I don't currently have one in stock.
Let me know if I can help you with any questions you may have.
Click the silencer pictures below for more information about them.
I now have the fingerprint scanning equipment to complete your fingerprint cards or an ATF approved EFT file that are required for ATF NFA forms paperwork. This is included for free with silencer purchase from me.
I am a Rex Silentium Master Dealer and can order what I don't currently have in stock. See below for prices and some of selection they offer. Let me know if you have questions.
Most rifle silencers by Rex are able to use 1.375-24 thread hub adapters that allow use of these major silencer brand QD muzzle devices: Silencerco, AAC, Dead Air, Q, Huxwrx and more.
Rex Silentium silencers have a no BS warranty and they will take care of you.
Contact me to get what silencer you need or let me know how I can help you choose one.
MG7 K Gen 9 silencers -- $550 some in stock and more on order
MG7 K available bore sizes
224 (223/556)-- in stock
264 (6.5mm) -- in stock
308 - in stock
358 (9mm), 8.6 Blackout -- in stock
458- in stock
Full auto rated
No barrel restrictions
MG10 Ultra rifle silencers-- $850 some in stock and more on order
MG10 available bore sizes
264 (6.5mm) -- in stock
308 --in stock
338 (8.6 blackout) -- in stock
358 (9mm) -- in stock
458 - in stock
Full auto rated
No barrel restrictions
Can use 1.375-24 HUB QD adapters
Ultra Low Back Pressure 308 -- $700 in stock
Ultra Low Back Pressure 224-556 -- $600
Full auto rated
No barrel restrictions
MGX custom order -- $425 to $1075
Choose how many baffles (3 to 12)
Choose Bore size
Choose Mount threards
Choose End cap
**Contact me to discuss and order your custom silencer.**
Rex Silentium TOB QD system (muzzle brake & HUB Silencer adapter) -- $160 in stock
Rex Silentium Muzzle brake -- $80 some in stock
Gemtech 5.56 Jake Brake Quickmount -- $99 in stock
Gemtech 7.62 Jake Brake Quickmount -- $99 in stock
Mounts are required for Gemtech Quicksand, HVT, G5, the One and several other Gemtech suppressors.
Gemtech Lunar 9mm --$599 sold
Gemtech Tundra 9mm -- Sold (discontinued model)
Replaced by the Gemtech GM-9 -- $679 can order
Gemtech Alpine 22LR -- SALE $399 sold
Gemtech GM22 -- $389 sold
I will include a free 50rd box of Gemtech subsonic 22LR with any brand 22LR firearms suppressor purchased.
----While supplies last------
Gemtech GMT-300BLK 300 blackout (black or FDE) -- $989
Gemtech GM-9 -- $679
Gemtech GM-45 -- $679 in stock
45ACP silencers will also work with 9mm, 40S&W, 10mm and other calibers.
Huxwrx HUB QD adapter - $210 in stock
Silencerco HUB QD adapter --$140
AAC 51T Stamp HUB QD adapter-- $200
Dead Air Keymo QD HUB adapter -- $200 in stock
YHM HD 3 lug HUB - $130 in stock
YHM QD adapter HUB -- $95 in stock
Resilient Titanium 3 lug HUB -- $155
Rugged R.U.M. universal Mount -- $250
Rex Silentium TOB mount system -- $160 in stock
Rex Silentium Rex Lock 6 lug system -- $200 in stock
There are other HUB mounts out there also.
Use the muzzle devices you like or already have.
Keep your silencer investments clean.
Breakthrough silencer cleaning kit-- $50 in stock
Breakthrough silencer cleaning solution 32oz -- $35 in stock
Breakthrough silencer cleaning solution spray 16oz -- $25 in stock
YHM Phantom QD 5.56 -- $619
YHM Phantom QD .338LM -- $799
YHM Turbo K RB 5.56 with QD break -- $550 in stock
YHM Resonator 30 cal QD -- $550
Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 -- $1145 sold
Minimum barrel length 10"
Surefire SOCOM556-Mini2 -- $1140 in stock
Surefire SOCOM556-SB2 -- $1195 in stock
Surefire SOCOM556-RC3-- $1720 in stock
Surefire SOCOM762-RC2 -- $1250 sold
Surefire SOCOM300-SPS -- $1175 in stock
Surefire Warden muzzle device (black) -- $245 sold
SOCOM muzzle brakes -- $130 to $150 some in stock
CMMG Defcan 9 with 3 lug mount - $825 sold
CMMG 3 lug muzzle brake 1/2x28 -- $80 in stock
CMMG Defcan 22LR -- $275 in stock
Freedom Armory Grenadier 45ACP suppressor -one 45ACP piston included - $899 in stock
Additional pistons to fit 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP and others - $109
Now made under the TION name. Check them out at: Tion, Inc. (
Huxwrx Ca$h 9 -- $580
Huxwrx Flow 556 -- $1100
Huxwrx Flow 556 with flash hider -- $1175 sold-can order
Huxwrx Flow 556 TI -- $1185
Huxwrx Flow 556 TI with flash hider -- $1300
Huxwrx Flow 762 TI -- $1185
Huxwrx Flow 762 TI with brake -- $1300 in stock
Huxwrx Ventum 762 or 556-- $850
Huxwrx RAD 9 -- $795
Flow 22 TI -- $450 sold- can order more
Huxwrx flash hider 7.62 -- $145 in stock
Huxwrx muzzle brake -- $150 can order
Click picture for more info
Contact me to inquire about other models
Let me know if you need a new threaded barrel for your pistol.
I can get you a price or tell you where to order one. In some cases I may be able to sell you a threaded barrel cheaper or easier than you can do yourself.
Threaded barrel for Glock pistol - black oxide match grade -- $159 a few in stock
Threaded barrel for Glock pistol - stainless match grade-- $149
Thread protector- $20 a few in stock
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